Thursday, December 31, 2009

The 1st and Last Blog of 2010

It’s New Years Eve. A night where people get with there families and friends, go to parties, drink, and bring in the New Years with noting but smiles on their face. What am I doing? I’m sitting in my room, writing a blog, lonelier then ever, depressed in my own sorrow. Thinking about this past year of my life, how I lost the one woman I loved more then life its self. Drove another one crazy, ruined another potential relationship with one of God’s beautiful princesses. Then gave up on one who put up with all of my stuff because I wasn’t man enough. All of those just burn in my heart. But in 2009 I also published a novel, was a wonderful big brother to my sisters, was there more for my friends and family, but yet I’m here, alone. I could be at church, praying for forgiveness, and thanking Jesus for another year. I could be at a party, or at a club. But instead I choose to be alone. For 2010, I’m not making any resolutions other then to be a better man, become more financially independent, and just really try to enjoy life and be happy instead of thinking of these past sad memories. I have no poem for them, so to those trial and errors in 2009 I apologize if I ever hurt you. I apologize for everything. And to the one, you know who you are, and if you know me, you know who she is, if you ever see her, tell her that I’m sorry, tell her that I miss her, tell her that she is, was my hearts greatest desire. Tell her that now that she’s moved on, my life just isn’t as happy as it could be. Tell her that she is still my soul, and although we aren’t meant to be, she’ll always be my BeautifulSoul, and that I love her more then I love myself, and I hope that life is everything for her. And it saddens me that I have to move on from someone I feel so strongly about… but that’s life… I love you. Everyone who is reading this, have a happy new year, and remember, if you look into the mirror and don’t like the person you see, just change… and everything that’s meant to happen will, as long as you start by loving yourself.

~Vensin Gray

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